"The Cantabrian albarca is a one-wooden-piece shoe, which has been used especially by the peasantry of Cantabria. The art of the ?albarquero? (albarca?s maker) was an important complementary activity for the traditional workers of the field and the grazing. Technique: the piece of wood is emptied to build the ""house"" where the foot will enter. Lastly it is cut decoratively. It requires about 20-30h per piece. Materials: It is made mainly of chestnut, alder or birch wood. The wearing of these shoes is first quoted in a 1657 document of King Philip IV. It was used to protect the feet from the water and dirt of the soil when working on agri-food duties. Its ""tarugos"" or lower heels give elevation to the foot, facilitating agility when walking."
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Názov: Cantabrian Albarcas
Kategória: Drevo
Krajina: Cantabria, Spain
Vytvorené: UMA
Zdroj: internet
Galéria fotografií: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/13/e2/77/13e27758314fb9f8d9c1...
Ďaľšie referencie:
https://www.todocoleccion.net/antiguedades/antiguas-albarcas-madera-tallada-abarcas-madrenas-almadrenas-cantabria-etnografia~x105873419Súvisiace remeslá: