A family business specialized in forge and
blacksmithing located in Úbeda, Jaén. Their works have been awarded in the last
two editions of the Spanish Unicaja Crafts Prize in the forge modality. They
have also been finalists in the last edition of the Spanish Crafts Awards
granted by the Ministry of Industry. Their work is linked to the recovery of
the historical legacy, that’s why they have had some interventions in the
national chain of traditional ‘Paradores’.
Objavte náš repozitár tradičných a umelecko remeselných vedomostí "CRAFTpedia", v ktorom sa zhromažďujú informácie a tradičné poznatky o remeselných technikách a jednotlivých remeslách.
Názov: The power of forging
Kategória: Kov a kovanie
Vytvorené: AE
Zdroj: http://www.historiasdeluz.es
Galéria fotografií: https://juntadeandalucia.es/export/drupaljda/Jose_Garrido_Ru...
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