To make known, the fundamentals and general concepts of the regulations on personal data protection, intellectual property and the Brand Registry, through a study of the most relevant aspects of them, thus facilitating an overview of the Rights and Obligations and offering a practical vision of existing obligations
The new European Data Protection Regulation entered into force on May 25, 2018 in all countries of the European Union. This new regulation affects all companies as soon as they have personal data of clients, workers and third parties, enhancing an active commitment in the safeguarding of fundamental rights, in particular those related to privacy in all areas, but especially on the internet
Acquire knowledge and skills to know the personal data protection system, in the most relevant aspects. The treatment and procedures that should be given to such data; the rights and obligations of the holder and the person responsible for them and the penalty system in case of non-compliance.
In the same way, matters as relevant to companies as Intellectual Property and Brand Registration are treated
• Register: Registration is not mandatory, but voluntary.
• In Anglo-Saxon law, the notion of copyright is used, which generally includes the patrimonial part of copyright (economic rights).
• The exploitation or economic rights last the lifetime of the authors and up to 70 years after the death of the author (European Law).
• The Law regulating intellectual property is reflected in the Recast text, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12.
• The ideas.
• The procedures.
• The legal or regulatory provisions, their corresponding projects, the decisions of the jurisdictional bodies.
• The acts of public bodies, as well as translations of these texts.
• The titles of the works.
• An application is filed in the register of the intellectual property, together with the fee of a fee. (€ 13.46).
• Management Entities, goals, manage exploitation rights, guarantee the exploitation, protection and control of works both in Spain and abroad.
• To be constituted they need the authorization of the Ministry of Culture.
- From authors: SGAE (General Society of Authors and Publishers) CEDRO (Spanish Center for Reprographic Rights) VEGAP (Visual Entity for the Management of Plastic Artists) DAMA (Copyright of audiovisual media)
- From Performers: AIE (Performers, management company of Spain) AISGE (Performers, management company)
• COPYLEFT. Is Copyleft really a license? Copyleft is not a license in itself, but some guidelines on how the license or contract of the work (exploitation, copying, distribution, etc.) should be managed.
• When I choose the license that best suits my work, I will have to indicate as clearly as possible under what features it is governed.
• Which Copyleft license is best suited to my work?
• GNU - The GNU, according to the copyleft manual, was created in the mid-1980s and has its origin in the world of free software and is, in turn, the main responsible for the entire movement for free culture and Copyleft .
• It is based on the 4 freedoms proposed by Stallman and the FSF: of use, study and modification, copy, for improvement and distribution of content
• Which Copyleft license is best suited to my work?
• CREATIVE COMMONS - “Many authors have realized over time that the right to absolute copy does not help them when it comes to getting the wide exposure or distribution that Creative Commons [...] wants tries to help people express this preference for sharing by offering everyone a set of licenses on the web, at no cost ”
• The conditions offered by CC are 6, as a combination of 4 essentials:
• Recognition. You must properly recognize the authorship, provide a link to the license and indicate whether changes have been made. You can do it in any reasonable way, but not in a way that suggests that you have the support of the licensor or receive it for the use you make.
• Without No derivative works. If you remix, transform or create from the material, you cannot spread the modified material.
• No comercial. You may not use the material for a commercial purpose.
• Share the same. Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
• FREE ART - She was one of the pioneers in transferring the idea of free software to the art world. Like many other Copyleft licenses, it promotes free access to culture as opposed to other restrictive models, in the case of Copyright.
• The explains how the artist who uses this license guarantees that the user can:
• Make copies for personal or third party use.
• Distribute the work freely by any means, for free or not.
• Freely modify the work.
• Copyleft = Free? NO
• The idea that Copyleft means free is widespread. The confusions reside:
• On the principles that this license is less restrictive.
• The automatic authorization of the work obtained in the license itself.
• In some Copyleft licenses, the artist may specify that his work may be copied, distributed, reproduced or modified as long as it is not for commercial uses.
• Can my Copyleft work be plagiarized? A Copyleft work has a license like any other creation.
If the author proves that his work has been plagiarized, legal acts can be undertaken.
• Register: Registration is not mandatory, but voluntary.
• In Anglo-Saxon law, the notion of copyright is used, which generally includes the patrimonial part of copyright (economic rights).
• The exploitation or economic rights last the lifetime of the authors and up to 70 years after the death of the author (European Law).
• The Law regulating intellectual property is reflected in the Recast text, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12.
• The ideas.
• The procedures.
• The legal or regulatory provisions, their corresponding projects, the decisions of the jurisdictional bodies.
• The acts of public bodies, as well as translations of these texts.
• The titles of the works.
• An application is filed in the register of the intellectual property, together with the fee of a fee. (€ 13.46).
• Management Entities, goals, manage exploitation rights, guarantee the exploitation, protection and control of works both in Spain and abroad.
• To be constituted they need the authorization of the Ministry of Culture.
- From authors: SGAE (General Society of Authors and Publishers) CEDRO (Spanish Center for Reprographic Rights) VEGAP (Visual Entity for the Management of Plastic Artists) DAMA (Copyright of audiovisual media)
- From Performers: AIE (Performers, management company of Spain) AISGE (Performers, management company)
• COPYLEFT. Is Copyleft really a license? Copyleft is not a license in itself, but some guidelines on how the license or contract of the work (exploitation, copying, distribution, etc.) should be managed.
• When I choose the license that best suits my work, I will have to indicate as clearly as possible under what features it is governed.
• Which Copyleft license is best suited to my work?
• GNU - The GNU, according to the copyleft manual, was created in the mid-1980s and has its origin in the world of free software and is, in turn, the main responsible for the entire movement for free culture and Copyleft .
• It is based on the 4 freedoms proposed by Stallman and the FSF: of use, study and modification, copy, for improvement and distribution of content
• Which Copyleft license is best suited to my work?
• CREATIVE COMMONS - “Many authors have realized over time that the right to absolute copy does not help them when it comes to getting the wide exposure or distribution that Creative Commons [...] wants tries to help people express this preference for sharing by offering everyone a set of licenses on the web, at no cost ”
• The conditions offered by CC are 6, as a combination of 4 essentials:
• Recognition. You must properly recognize the authorship, provide a link to the license and indicate whether changes have been made. You can do it in any reasonable way, but not in a way that suggests that you have the support of the licensor or receive it for the use you make.
• Without No derivative works. If you remix, transform or create from the material, you cannot spread the modified material.
• No comercial. You may not use the material for a commercial purpose.
• Share the same. Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
• FREE ART - She was one of the pioneers in transferring the idea of free software to the art world. Like many other Copyleft licenses, it promotes free access to culture as opposed to other restrictive models, in the case of Copyright.
• The explains how the artist who uses this license guarantees that the user can:
• Make copies for personal or third party use.
• Distribute the work freely by any means, for free or not.
• Freely modify the work.
• Copyleft = Free? NO
• The idea that Copyleft means free is widespread. The confusions reside:
• On the principles that this license is less restrictive.
• The automatic authorization of the work obtained in the license itself.
• In some Copyleft licenses, the artist may specify that his work may be copied, distributed, reproduced or modified as long as it is not for commercial uses.
• Can my Copyleft work be plagiarized? A Copyleft work has a license like any other creation.
If the author proves that his work has been plagiarized, legal acts can be undertaken.
Ανακαλύψτε το χώρο αποθήκευσης των τεχνικών γνώσεων "CRAFTpedia", όπου συλλέγονται πληροφορίες και παραδοσιακές γνώσεις σχετικά με τις τεχνικές και τα επαγγέλματα
Τιτλος: Registry/Copyleft
Λέξεις κλειδιά : Data protection, Rights, Obligations, Registration, Brand
Συγγραφέας: AE
Γλώσσες: English