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Sheep fur carpet manufacturing | Futra i skóry

Keywords: Sheep fur processing, sheepskin carpets

Sheep fur carpet manufacturing

Tytuł: Sheep fur carpet manufacturing
Kategoria: Futra i skóry
Kraj: Slovakia
Dostarczone przez: Comenius
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First references of this fur products go back to the period of 18. century when they were used to protect people against the weather.

Currently wool products such as carpets are very popular in Slovakia. There are some types of them, for example "alpaka" which is 5 times warmer as an original fleece. Another type is "moher".

The most important phase of processing is soaking as without it, the pelt is brittle. The second step is degreasing pelt from fatty tissues. The third, the most sensitive step in this process is scouring, where the pelts are immersed in a special solution to preserve the wool. Fourth step is pickling, the pelt is soaked and salted again. At the end stretching and drying are used, where the pelts are under the tension with clips and it is necessary to do it outside. The last step is customization according to the customer's needs. The fleece of the sheepskin has an excellent insulating property and it is resistant to flame and static electricity. His exploitation is versatile.  In Slovakia we also have sheepskin coats called "kudmen" with a handmade folk embroidered theme on it, sheepskin-lined boots, hats and many other useful products.

The presented item in this video is 100% sheepskin carpet. This video offers an example of the great skill of sheepskin processing in Slovakia.