Collaborating and sharing through digital technologies
Title:Collaborating and sharing through digital technologiesKeywords:Communication, digital technologies, social networks, online collaborationAuthor:IWSLanguages:English
• You will learn how to create an effective web page. • You will learn which social networks will help you promote your business. • You will learn how to advert your business through Google. • You will learn new ways of collaboration online. • You will learn some platforms for micro funding.
Nowadays it is essential to have good channels of communication and collaboration if we want that our business reach our target group. Everybody looks for new products/services online so we need to be among their findings. The first step is to have an appealing web site followed by a profile in the different social networks. Collaborating is as well important and the net offers us a wide range of options.
• We consider that ‘collaboration’ should be one of the bases for any business nowadays as we can make our companies advance if we have many contacts. It is important then to find other professionals of our sector so we can work along with them.
• Groups Subscription: a good way to get to know people who belong to our sector is by subscribing to a professional group where other artisans share their opinions or other issues that might be more people’s interest. It can also be a good idea in terms of being up-to-date about new trends of our speciality.
• Blogs: if we decide to create our own blog we can write our products or anything related to our business and share it with other users. Moreover people can post comments to our publications so we can receive feedback or even advice.
• Forum: this is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. If you access to forums about craft or artisan jobs, you can chat with other professionals of your sector and share your views.
• We consider that ‘collaboration’ should be one of the bases for any business nowadays as we can make our companies advance if we have many contacts. It is important then to find other professionals of our sector so we can work along with them.
• Groups Subscription: a good way to get to know people who belong to our sector is by subscribing to a professional group where other artisans share their opinions or other issues that might be more people’s interest. It can also be a good idea in terms of being up-to-date about new trends of our speciality.
• Blogs: if we decide to create our own blog we can write our products or anything related to our business and share it with other users. Moreover people can post comments to our publications so we can receive feedback or even advice.
• Forum: this is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. If you access to forums about craft or artisan jobs, you can chat with other professionals of your sector and share your views.
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Title: Collaborating and sharing through digital technologies
Keywords: Communication, digital technologies, social networks, online collaboration
Author: IWS
Languages: English