Murano’s glass is very popular across all the world as high quality craftsmanship. The Glass Art as we know it today evolves in Murano between 15th and 19th century. The process to make this kind of glass is very difficult and for several years Murano’s glazier masters have had the monopoly on glass making secrets. The glass is made of sand or raw glass and it is worked when still hot: the artisan has to work it immediately after the firing in the oven to shape it. There are various manufacturing techniques used during centuries to create different types of art glasses: glass blowing, aventurine, crystal, filigree glass, milkwhite glass and many others. The glazier masters realize different shape in order to create glasses, plates or items and paint the glass with different colours.
The video shows the manufacturing of the glass by the artisans of Murano from the local shop "Fornace Colleoni".
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Titlu: Murano Fornace Colleoni, Manufacturing of glass
Categorie: Sticla, ceramica si olarit
Tara: Veneto, Italy
Furnizat de: IDP
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