Cesto is a form of tray used in the household. It was used in the house for drying food and for storing it. It is weaven in a special way using straws and fabric and also it is designed in a way to be used as a decoration item.
They are produced up to date using the original material and method, and most of the cestos are considered art items
Descoperiti repertoriul nostru de cunostinte artizanale "CRAFTpedia", unde se colecteaza informatii si cunostinte traditionale asupra tehnicilor si meseriilor artizanale.
Titlu: Cesto or straw mat
Categorie: Fibre vegetale
Tara: Cyprus
Furnizat de: OPEI
Sursa: http://www.unesco.org.cy/Programmes-Basketry_and_s...
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