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Crafting fine wood to discover its musical soul | Instrumente muzicale

Keywords: Luthier, music

Crafting fine wood to discover its musical soul

Titlu: Crafting fine wood to discover its musical soul
Categorie: Instrumente muzicale
Tara: Spain/Andalusia/Almería
Furnizat de: AE
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At a young age he left for Paris to play guitar. Carlos González made his living playing on the metro, until his passion for classical music lead to him wanting a lute. As he didn’t have much money, he signed up for a studio and created his own instrument. This move changed his life and his career as a guitar player was cast aside.

In the nineties he settled in Almeria and since then, he has sold his instruments from this part of Andalusia to the world. If he doesn’t know the instrument, he studies it, makes plans and then builds it.

A hard task driven by his passion: transforming a piece of wood until he discovers its musical soul. His most prestigious recognition, the Card of Master Craftsman from the Regional Government of Andalusia and the Order of Gentlemen of Arts and Culture from the Ministry of French Culture.
