The pictures painted on the glass belonged to a typical manifestation of folk painting. Originally they portrayed religious and secular themes. Pictures of saints were thought to protect their owners. The secular images with the Jánošík's highwaymen group are original Slovak contribution to the European paintings on glass. The families who earned their living through making glass originally started to produce these paintings.
Thin glass is used for glass painting. The painter puts the graphic artwork under the glass and draws the contours of the main design, the more experienced painters paint without the graphic original. The contour lines are painted with thin brush and sparse black colour. After the contours dry, the details are painted, e.g. faces, then larger areas, and finally the background. Originally, the water-based tempera colors were used for the glass painting. To adhere better to the glass surface, the color was mixed with egg yolk or other ingredients. The current authors use special colors for glass or oil paint, which dry longer, but are more durable and beautiful. The self-made brushes made from the animal hair were originally used for the glass paint. Currently the purchased brushes are used.
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Titlu: Glass painting
Categorie: Sticla, ceramica si olarit
Tara: Central and Eastern Slovakia
Furnizat de: Comenius
Galerie foto:
The pictures painted on the glass belonged to a typical manifestation of folk painting. Originally they portrayed religious and secular themes. Pictures of saints were thought to protect their owners. The secular images with the Jánošík's highwaymen group are original Slovak contribution to the European paintings on glass. The families who earned their living through making glass originally started to produce these paintings.
Thin glass is used for glass painting. The painter puts the graphic artwork under the glass and draws the contours of the main design, the more experienced painters paint without the graphic original. The contour lines are painted with thin brush and sparse black colour. After the contours dry, the details are painted, e.g. faces, then larger areas, and finally the background. Originally, the water-based tempera colors were used for the glass painting. To adhere better to the glass surface, the color was mixed with egg yolk or other ingredients. The current authors use special colors for glass or oil paint, which dry longer, but are more durable and beautiful. The self-made brushes made from the animal hair were originally used for the glass paint. Currently the purchased brushes are used.
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Museum of Tesinsko region,
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