A short video film showing the performance of forged products finely finished at the Iron-Art an artistic iron workshop.
The film shows the performance of a piece of balustrade made of smelting steel.
It shows the whole process of performance, starting from the design through bending steel rod, which is sandblasted and painted with a special paint to protect the balustrade from corrosion.
The master performs unique products modeled on old patterns, hand-forged and finely finished, decorated and created in the Art Nouveau style.
Descoperiti repertoriul nostru de cunostinte artizanale "CRAFTpedia", unde se colecteaza informatii si cunostinte traditionale asupra tehnicilor si meseriilor artizanale.
Titlu: Artistic metalwork
Categorie: Metal si fierarie
Tara: Poland
Furnizat de: AGH
Sursa: https://kowalstwo-artystyczne.com.pl/
A short video film showing the performance of forged products finely finished at the Iron-Art an artistic iron workshop.
The film shows the performance of a piece of balustrade made of smelting steel.
It shows the whole process of performance, starting from the design through bending steel rod, which is sandblasted and painted with a special paint to protect the balustrade from corrosion.
The master performs unique products modeled on old patterns, hand-forged and finely finished, decorated and created in the Art Nouveau style.
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