Handmade wooden mushroom - souvenir from Belgium | Lemn
Keywords: Wood, Mushroom, Souvenir, Belgium
Titlu: Handmade wooden mushroom - souvenir from Belgium
Categorie: Lemn
Tara: Belgium
Furnizat de: IHF
The video shows the realisation of a wooden mushroom-souvenir made by an artisan with ancient instrument. He works and sands the wood, giving the shape of the mushroom.
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Titlu: Handmade wooden mushroom - souvenir from Belgium
Categorie: Lemn
Tara: Belgium
Furnizat de: IHF
Sursa: https://youtu.be/2BXySzUY5ag
The video shows the realisation of a wooden mushroom-souvenir made by an artisan with ancient instrument. He works and sands the wood, giving the shape of the mushroom.
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