Plaster sculpture technique - Ecce Homo sculpture | Marmura, piatra si ghips
Keywords: Plaster
Titlu: Plaster sculpture technique - Ecce Homo sculpture
Categorie: Marmura, piatra si ghips
Tara: Spain
Furnizat de: IWS
- The item represents a sculpture made of plaster called “Ecce Homo”.
- The technique used to create this sculpture is the technique of the plaster carving.
- The main material used is plaster, but there are many others to allow the process of transformation of the plaster into sculpture.
- The geographical area of origin is ancient Egypt around 3500 BC. Suddenly it was used in ancient Greece and in Spain.
In the video there is an example of how a plaster sculpture is made, as well as the steps and materials used together with the idea behind this ancient craft art.
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Titlu: Plaster sculpture technique - Ecce Homo sculpture
Categorie: Marmura, piatra si ghips
Tara: Spain
Furnizat de: IWS
Sursa: Youtube;Intermet
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