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Esparto grass and bulrush handcrafts | Fibras vegetales

Keywords: Esparto grass braiding, esparto baskets, carpets

Esparto grass and bulrush handcrafts

Título: Esparto grass and bulrush handcrafts
Categoría: Fibras vegetales
País: Andalusia, Spain
Periodo: Siglo XXI
Proporcionado por: UMA
Fuente: internet, youtube, canal sur andalucía TV
Galería de fotos:


Esparto: a humble vegetable fiber that transforms into the expert hands of the 'esparteros' in beautiful designs of a practical nature.

Traditional craftsmanship that gave shape from esparto and pleita, to tools for farming or house: baskets, carpets, panniers, etc.

Techniques: from country to market, esparto is harvested, dried, cured and braided into different forms. The technique of braiding vegetal fibers is called 'pleita'.

Main material is esparto (lygeum spartum), and also bulrush or cattail (thyfa).

The esparto braiding is spread in all the centre and south of Spain, Andalusia and Castilla, Baleary Islands, as well as Southern regions in other Mediterranean countries.

