Evaluating and managing data, information and digital content
Titolo:Evaluating and managing data, information and digital contentParole chiave:Searching strategies, Filtering data, Keywords, Operators Autore:IWSLingue:English
This course is meant to help you develop a new mind set so you can merge your inner creative spirit and business. It provides information on the key aspects that influence success in creatively using ICT tools and in particular it focuses on quality search strategies, keywords rankings, filtering data on the net and how to narrow down results on the Internet.
In this course you will learn some tips on Browsing, searching and filtering data on the net. Moreover, you will discover about search engines and their functionalities.
• Artisans can gain new perspectives on digital content creation to do business and advertise their products or services online. Positioning strategies and search strategies are particular important when a new craftsman enters into the e-market.
• Browsing consists of looking through a set of data with or without a defined purpose. As concerns internet, it usually involves the world wide web.
• Browsing relates to search strategies, such as applying advanced options in a search engine.
• Before starting to use the Internet it is important to make sure that you have an anti-virus software installed on your computer. See intermediate course on Safety and problem shooting of your devices to better expand your knowledge about it.
• Billions are the websites across the whole World Wide Web that offer a load of information. However, it can be quite stressful to find what you were exactly looking for. This is when a search engine comes in help. If you type ‘keywords’ into a search engine, it will look for pages across the Web that contain those words and thereby it will display the results depending on their importance, using algorithms.
• It is highly important for craftsmen turning their research questions into a research strategy. Implementing strong quality search strategies is always going to be beneficial: it makes you understand marketing characteristics and market potential but also customer requirements. In addition, strategic keyword rankings won’t make you waste your time with long and unfruitful researches anymore.
• Searching. A web search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search results are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine results pages (SERPs). The information may be a mix of web pages, images, and other types of files. Search engines also maintain real-time information by running an algorithm on a web crawler.
• What Is the best search engine?. Besides Google and Bing, that are the most know search engines, there are other search engines such as: Yahoo, Ask.com, AOL.com, Baidu (most popular search engine in China), Wolframalpha, DuckDuckGo. There is no one search engine that works better than all the others. Searching on Google is easy and often if someone asks how to do something or what something is, another person will suggest to ‘google it’. Let’s try to search, for example, the word ‘crafts’ on Google. It gives us 901,000,000 results in 0.50 seconds (when this unit is written). If we press F5 to repeat the search, different quantities may appear, both for the number of results and for the time used to display them.
• But what if the search does not return what we were looking for? Filtering data on the net
To sort out through websites and filter our searches we can use different searching strategies such as:
• Using specific keywords: When you search for specific online contents you should use relevant and unique words otherwise you will come across a lot of unnecessary data. Be as specific as you can in wording.
• Not to use common words and punctuation: Terms like ‘a’ and ‘the’ are called ‘stop words’ and are often overlooked as well as the punctuation. Outside from special occasions and exceptions, punctuations are not taken into account when finding results.
• Capitalization: Most of the search engines do not make a distinction between uppercase and lowercase, even within quotation marks.
• Filetype: You can use filetype: .XXX, for example filetype: pdf if you want to search for a file type in a certain web.
• Excluding searches:
• Operator (-). Searching for any word and then include with a minus sign (-) before those words that you wish to exclude. For example, let's imagine that in your search for ‘pottery’ you are not looking for definitions. Let’s try to search the word ‘pottery’ on Google without operators. It gives us 438.000.000 results in 0.55 seconds. But we have lots of results but not what we were looking for. Now do it again with «pottery -definition -definitions» in Google. If you are asking why we are expliciting the operator-word ‘definition’ both in singular and in plural that’s because excluding research works only with the word you insert. Now we have that all results including the words ‘definition’ and ‘definitions’ will be omitted. Once this is done, the results returned by the search are slightly different from the previous ones, and probably will suit better to what we wanted to find.
• Operator (+). By adding a plus (+) just before a search you are telling Google to show you exactly that term excluding synonyms, acronyms and so on.
• Operator (*). The asterisk works like a wildcard. When you put it in front of a word and within a sentence you are telling Google to look for the exact phrase that you are asking but that you can exchange the word of the asterisk for another.
• Artisans can gain new perspectives on digital content creation to do business and advertise their products or services online. Positioning strategies and search strategies are particular important when a new craftsman enters into the e-market.
• Browsing consists of looking through a set of data with or without a defined purpose. As concerns internet, it usually involves the world wide web.
• Browsing relates to search strategies, such as applying advanced options in a search engine.
• Before starting to use the Internet it is important to make sure that you have an anti-virus software installed on your computer. See intermediate course on Safety and problem shooting of your devices to better expand your knowledge about it.
• Billions are the websites across the whole World Wide Web that offer a load of information. However, it can be quite stressful to find what you were exactly looking for. This is when a search engine comes in help. If you type ‘keywords’ into a search engine, it will look for pages across the Web that contain those words and thereby it will display the results depending on their importance, using algorithms.
• It is highly important for craftsmen turning their research questions into a research strategy. Implementing strong quality search strategies is always going to be beneficial: it makes you understand marketing characteristics and market potential but also customer requirements. In addition, strategic keyword rankings won’t make you waste your time with long and unfruitful researches anymore.
• Searching. A web search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search results are generally presented in a line of results often referred to as search engine results pages (SERPs). The information may be a mix of web pages, images, and other types of files. Search engines also maintain real-time information by running an algorithm on a web crawler.
• What Is the best search engine?. Besides Google and Bing, that are the most know search engines, there are other search engines such as: Yahoo, Ask.com, AOL.com, Baidu (most popular search engine in China), Wolframalpha, DuckDuckGo. There is no one search engine that works better than all the others. Searching on Google is easy and often if someone asks how to do something or what something is, another person will suggest to ‘google it’. Let’s try to search, for example, the word ‘crafts’ on Google. It gives us 901,000,000 results in 0.50 seconds (when this unit is written). If we press F5 to repeat the search, different quantities may appear, both for the number of results and for the time used to display them.
• But what if the search does not return what we were looking for? Filtering data on the net
To sort out through websites and filter our searches we can use different searching strategies such as:
• Using specific keywords: When you search for specific online contents you should use relevant and unique words otherwise you will come across a lot of unnecessary data. Be as specific as you can in wording.
• Not to use common words and punctuation: Terms like ‘a’ and ‘the’ are called ‘stop words’ and are often overlooked as well as the punctuation. Outside from special occasions and exceptions, punctuations are not taken into account when finding results.
• Capitalization: Most of the search engines do not make a distinction between uppercase and lowercase, even within quotation marks.
• Filetype: You can use filetype: .XXX, for example filetype: pdf if you want to search for a file type in a certain web.
• Excluding searches:
• Operator (-). Searching for any word and then include with a minus sign (-) before those words that you wish to exclude. For example, let's imagine that in your search for ‘pottery’ you are not looking for definitions. Let’s try to search the word ‘pottery’ on Google without operators. It gives us 438.000.000 results in 0.55 seconds. But we have lots of results but not what we were looking for. Now do it again with «pottery -definition -definitions» in Google. If you are asking why we are expliciting the operator-word ‘definition’ both in singular and in plural that’s because excluding research works only with the word you insert. Now we have that all results including the words ‘definition’ and ‘definitions’ will be omitted. Once this is done, the results returned by the search are slightly different from the previous ones, and probably will suit better to what we wanted to find.
• Operator (+). By adding a plus (+) just before a search you are telling Google to show you exactly that term excluding synonyms, acronyms and so on.
• Operator (*). The asterisk works like a wildcard. When you put it in front of a word and within a sentence you are telling Google to look for the exact phrase that you are asking but that you can exchange the word of the asterisk for another.
Titolo: Evaluating and managing data, information and digital content
Parole chiave: Searching strategies, Filtering data, Keywords, Operators
Autore: IWS
Lingue: English