Titolo:Advertisement & NewslettersParole chiave:Communication, digital technologies, social networks, online collaborationAutore:IWSLingue:English
• You will learn how to create an effective web page. • You will learn which social networks will help you promote your business. • You will learn how to advert your business through Google. • You will learn new ways of collaboration online. • You will learn some platforms for micro funding.
Nowadays it is essential to have good channels of communication and collaboration if we want that our business reach our target group. Everybody looks for new products/services online so we need to be among their findings. The first step is to have an appealing web site followed by a profile in the different social networks. Collaborating is as well important and the net offers us a wide range of options.
• Apart from social networks there are other formats to engage our potential clients:
• Advertisements: through adverts on the web you can let people know what you have to offer. This is called ‘digital advertising’. The most popular forms of display ads are banners, landing pages and popups. Google offers the option of paying for their banners so you can advert yourself in these spaces. Landing pages are those pages where visitors “land” when they click on a Google AdWords advert or similar. It is a type of online paid advertising, but it is worthy if we want to give a boost to our business.
• Newsletters: is a digital informative publication delivered frequently through email. We can invite our clients to subscribe to our newsletter in order to send them information about our products or any news. It is important that we are active and maybe establish a day to send the newsletter every week/month. There is a platform which provides email delivery service. Through it we can send email campaigns from our site and lets users view a history of emails they have been sent from Mailchimp (https://mailchimp.com/).
• Apart from social networks there are other formats to engage our potential clients:
• Advertisements: through adverts on the web you can let people know what you have to offer. This is called ‘digital advertising’. The most popular forms of display ads are banners, landing pages and popups. Google offers the option of paying for their banners so you can advert yourself in these spaces. Landing pages are those pages where visitors “land” when they click on a Google AdWords advert or similar. It is a type of online paid advertising, but it is worthy if we want to give a boost to our business.
• Newsletters: is a digital informative publication delivered frequently through email. We can invite our clients to subscribe to our newsletter in order to send them information about our products or any news. It is important that we are active and maybe establish a day to send the newsletter every week/month. There is a platform which provides email delivery service. Through it we can send email campaigns from our site and lets users view a history of emails they have been sent from Mailchimp (https://mailchimp.com/).
Titolo: Advertisement & Newsletters
Parole chiave: Communication, digital technologies, social networks, online collaboration
Autore: IWS
Lingue: English