Titolo:Social networksParole chiave:Communication, digital technologies, social networks, online collaborationAutore:IWSLingue:English
• You will learn how to create an effective web page. • You will learn which social networks will help you promote your business. • You will learn how to advert your business through Google. • You will learn new ways of collaboration online. • You will learn some platforms for micro funding.
Nowadays it is essential to have good channels of communication and collaboration if we want that our business reach our target group. Everybody looks for new products/services online so we need to be among their findings. The first step is to have an appealing web site followed by a profile in the different social networks. Collaborating is as well important and the net offers us a wide range of options.
• As we have mentioned social networks have become really important for current communication. They offer updated, fast, free information and allow us to connect to millions of people without moving from our own place. As necessary to have different profiles on these networks it’s also to be active on them. Our customers must see that we are giving updated information and that we are always improving our business. Nowadays there is a wide variety of them with different functionalities but we recommend you to have a profile on the main ones:
o Facebook: it is the oldest social network internet has had. It is essential to have an account for our company so we can publish on our walls new products with their descriptions. We can also join groups devoted to arts and crafts or artisans and get to know people and share experiences/advices.
o Instagram: this social network is an app for smartphone and it has thousands of users. It works in a similar way as Facebook, at least with regard to what we need from it. If we add hash tags to the description, people will be able to find our products through them.
o Twitter: it allows you to publish short messages (280 characters) with a picture/video so we can also use it to show our products.
o Pinterest: allows users to share, and discover new things by posting (known as 'pinning' in this social network) images or videos to their own or others' boards (i.e. a collection of 'pins,' usually with a common theme) and browsing what other users have pinned.
• As we have mentioned social networks have become really important for current communication. They offer updated, fast, free information and allow us to connect to millions of people without moving from our own place. As necessary to have different profiles on these networks it’s also to be active on them. Our customers must see that we are giving updated information and that we are always improving our business. Nowadays there is a wide variety of them with different functionalities but we recommend you to have a profile on the main ones:
o Facebook: it is the oldest social network internet has had. It is essential to have an account for our company so we can publish on our walls new products with their descriptions. We can also join groups devoted to arts and crafts or artisans and get to know people and share experiences/advices.
o Instagram: this social network is an app for smartphone and it has thousands of users. It works in a similar way as Facebook, at least with regard to what we need from it. If we add hash tags to the description, people will be able to find our products through them.
o Twitter: it allows you to publish short messages (280 characters) with a picture/video so we can also use it to show our products.
o Pinterest: allows users to share, and discover new things by posting (known as 'pinning' in this social network) images or videos to their own or others' boards (i.e. a collection of 'pins,' usually with a common theme) and browsing what other users have pinned.
Titolo: Social networks
Parole chiave: Communication, digital technologies, social networks, online collaboration
Autore: IWS
Lingue: English