Titolo:Online presenceParole chiave:Communication, digital technologies, social networks, online collaborationAutore:IWSLingue:English
• You will learn how to create an effective web page. • You will learn which social networks will help you promote your business. • You will learn how to advert your business through Google. • You will learn new ways of collaboration online. • You will learn some platforms for micro funding.
Nowadays it is essential to have good channels of communication and collaboration if we want that our business reach our target group. Everybody looks for new products/services online so we need to be among their findings. The first step is to have an appealing web site followed by a profile in the different social networks. Collaborating is as well important and the net offers us a wide range of options.
• When it comes to digital communication we find many different forms we can communicate through. One of those is, for instance, social networks. They all let you publish information about yourself, but also communicate through messages or chats with other contacts.
• If we apply the concept ‘communication’ to our business implies the use of communication to address to our potential clients. The very first way to let our clients know us is through our web page. Nowadays it is essential to have a portal on the internet where we present ourselves and our product or service.
• We give you some tips about how your web page should be:
- The content and structure must be based on three basic criteria: usability, user-friendliness and accessibility.
- Your website must reflect your brand image, and should use good and appealing photos and videos of your daily life activities.
- You need to define clearly your services/products, messages and targets.
- Contact details (email, phone numbers/whatsapp, fax, address, skype, facebook, youtube, etc.) and navigating menus, must be easily accessible.
- Make sure that your website is constantly updated and lively; otherwise people will think that you are not really “active”.
- Content is fundamental for any website and for its position. All the information you include in your site must be coherent with your mission and values as a brand.
• When it comes to digital communication we find many different forms we can communicate through. One of those is, for instance, social networks. They all let you publish information about yourself, but also communicate through messages or chats with other contacts.
• If we apply the concept ‘communication’ to our business implies the use of communication to address to our potential clients. The very first way to let our clients know us is through our web page. Nowadays it is essential to have a portal on the internet where we present ourselves and our product or service.
• We give you some tips about how your web page should be:
- The content and structure must be based on three basic criteria: usability, user-friendliness and accessibility.
- Your website must reflect your brand image, and should use good and appealing photos and videos of your daily life activities.
- You need to define clearly your services/products, messages and targets.
- Contact details (email, phone numbers/whatsapp, fax, address, skype, facebook, youtube, etc.) and navigating menus, must be easily accessible.
- Make sure that your website is constantly updated and lively; otherwise people will think that you are not really “active”.
- Content is fundamental for any website and for its position. All the information you include in your site must be coherent with your mission and values as a brand.
Titolo: Online presence
Parole chiave: Communication, digital technologies, social networks, online collaboration
Autore: IWS
Lingue: English