To make known, the fundamentals and general concepts of the regulations on personal data protection, intellectual property and the Brand Registry, through a study of the most relevant aspects of them, thus facilitating an overview of the Rights and Obligations and offering a practical vision of existing obligations
The new European Data Protection Regulation entered into force on May 25, 2018 in all countries of the European Union. This new regulation affects all companies as soon as they have personal data of clients, workers and third parties, enhancing an active commitment in the safeguarding of fundamental rights, in particular those related to privacy in all areas, but especially on the internet
Acquire knowledge and skills to know the personal data protection system, in the most relevant aspects. The treatment and procedures that should be given to such data; the rights and obligations of the holder and the person responsible for them and the penalty system in case of non-compliance.
In the same way, matters as relevant to companies as Intellectual Property and Brand Registration are treated
• Intellectual property is the set of rights that correspond to the authors and other owners (artists, producers, broadcasters ...) regarding the works and benefits resulting from their creation.
A work is fully protected by law at the same time of its creation and without the need for any formal requirements.
• Registration is a protection of intellectual property rights, as it constitutes a qualified proof of the existence of registered rights.
• Intellectual property protects original literary, artistic or scientific creations, choreographies, audiovisual works, sculptures, pictorial works, plans, models, maps, photographs, computer programs and databases. It also protects artistic performances, phonograms, audiovisual recordings and broadcasting broadcasts.
• Moral and economic rights. They include two specific aspects: the right to recognition of authorship and the right of an author to preserve the integrity of the work, that is, to refuse to carry out modifications or derivative works.
• The recognition of moral rights points to the author's reputation and the inalienable right of the latter to dispose of his work in terms of recognition as well as its integrity. The most common violation of moral rights is plagiarism.
• HERITAGE OR EXPLOITATION RIGHTS. We must distinguish between:
a) Rights related to the exploitation of the protected work, which in turn are subdivided into:
Exclusive rights are those that allow the owner to authorize or prohibit acts of exploitation of his work or benefit protected by the user, and to demand compensation in return for it. The remuneration rights do not entitle the owner to authorize or prohibit the acts of exploitation of the work, although they do require the latter to pay a monetary amount for the acts of exploitation that he performs, an amount that is determined by law by the Rates of management entities.
b) Compensatory rights, such as the right to private copy that compensates for intellectual property rights no longer received due to reproductions of works or benefits protected for exclusively private use.
• Intellectual property is the set of rights that correspond to the authors and other owners (artists, producers, broadcasters ...) regarding the works and benefits resulting from their creation.
A work is fully protected by law at the same time of its creation and without the need for any formal requirements.
• Registration is a protection of intellectual property rights, as it constitutes a qualified proof of the existence of registered rights.
• Intellectual property protects original literary, artistic or scientific creations, choreographies, audiovisual works, sculptures, pictorial works, plans, models, maps, photographs, computer programs and databases. It also protects artistic performances, phonograms, audiovisual recordings and broadcasting broadcasts.
• Moral and economic rights. They include two specific aspects: the right to recognition of authorship and the right of an author to preserve the integrity of the work, that is, to refuse to carry out modifications or derivative works.
• The recognition of moral rights points to the author's reputation and the inalienable right of the latter to dispose of his work in terms of recognition as well as its integrity. The most common violation of moral rights is plagiarism.
• HERITAGE OR EXPLOITATION RIGHTS. We must distinguish between:
a) Rights related to the exploitation of the protected work, which in turn are subdivided into:
Exclusive rights are those that allow the owner to authorize or prohibit acts of exploitation of his work or benefit protected by the user, and to demand compensation in return for it. The remuneration rights do not entitle the owner to authorize or prohibit the acts of exploitation of the work, although they do require the latter to pay a monetary amount for the acts of exploitation that he performs, an amount that is determined by law by the Rates of management entities.
b) Compensatory rights, such as the right to private copy that compensates for intellectual property rights no longer received due to reproductions of works or benefits protected for exclusively private use.
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Título: Intellectual property rights
Palabras clave: Data protection, Rights, Obligations, Registration, Brand
Autor: AE
Idiomas: English