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The Polishing and Shining Marble Black Belgium design by Emanuele Rubini sculptor | Mármol, piedra y yeso

Keywords: Marble, Black marble, Stone, Sculpture

The Polishing and Shining Marble Black Belgium design by Emanuele Rubini sculptor

Título: The Polishing and Shining Marble Black Belgium design by Emanuele Rubini sculptor
Categoría: Mármol, piedra y yeso
País: Belgium
Periodo: Siglo XXI
Proporcionado por: IHF


The video shows the work of the sculptor Emanuele Rubini. His work consists in breaking a big piece of black marble with the hammer in order to obtain the perfect block of marble he needs for the sculpture. Then, he works and shapes the marble with specific instrument. The final step of the work consists in polishing and shining the marble.

