• If you want to sell, you will have to create your own formula. It seems that the goal of all companies is to sell more, however, most companies do not spend time defining the sales strategy. There is a question we should all answer, do you want to sell more or better?
• Observe: Analyze market changes, Adapt to new trends, Understand new customers
• Create: Search our differential element, Tune up our ingenuity and our creativity, Define our formula for sale, Combine traditional marketing tools and unconventional tools
• To sell: Reach the customer differently
• Listening to the market and customers, observing and not asking, and although the temptation is to sell everything, it is good to concentrate the sales force on what is of most interest to us.
• Companies are worried because their sales have fallen, entrepreneurs are afraid to launch and not sell, but few people have cold blood to stop and observe. Observing is the first step to sell. Before throwing yourself crazy to try different formulas to sell more, take some time to observe:
• Analyze market changes
• Value new trends.
• Understand new customers.
• To sell more, you will have to do other things:
• Look at the new trends that succeed and how they affect your business, or how you could adapt to them or just what ideas you can think of when you see them.
• Study companies doing well and think about what they do differently.
• Analyze three types of companies:
• Companies in your sector that are direct competition, come on, those that can take you out a customer.
• Companies in your sector that are referents.
• Companies that you like even if they are not from your sector.
• Detect the changes that your customers are suffering and think about them in the most segmented way possible, trying to analyze the different groups you work with.
• We are living in times of change, but the most striking thing is that the speed of change is vertigo. If you stand still, you will disappear sooner or later, so watch and then make decisions.
And there comes the part that costs my clients the most, to see how to adapt their company or their business project to the changes detected.
• Before going out to sell we have to create our formula to sell and this demands method and time. This formula to sell, works independently of the sector and the company, but we will have to adapt it for each case, taking into account the situation of the company, its experience in the market, the range of products, its personnel and its resources.
• Our proposal can be based on:
• Price (low-medium-high)
• Differentiation
• Service
• Specific approach
• Combination of the above
• And we will have to work the 4P of marketing (Product, Price, Positioning and Promotion) and the 4 C (Customer, Cost, Comfort and Communication).
• "The better we know our customers and their reasons for purchase, the easier it will be to define the sales process"
• All this we have to be able to define in a phrase that engages our client and summarizes our business philosophy.
• "Create your hook phrase"
• But in addition, to sell you have to build trust and for that, the simplest thing is to start by defining what we are good at and think about how we are going to transmit it.
• “You have to know how you are going to introduce yourselfâ€
• It is essential to be aware that we are not alone, so to sell you have to build and maintain a support network. And this is where my clients resist the most, because we have been educated so as not to have to ask for favors; This is the mentality that needs to be changed, we do not ask for favors, we collaborate and create a support network with which we all win.
• "Create your network!"
• Who do you know Who could you collaborate with? What can you do for your network?
What could your network do for you? And we also have to do our homework and work hard analyzing customer problems and looking for solutions.
• "Selling is meeting the needs of your customers"
• We have to think from the customer's point of view, it is the fundamental secret to create the formula to sell. Put yourself in the place of your client.
• The formula to sell does not work alone, you have to start it and for that, you have to go out and sell. I know clients capable of not going out to sell with the excuse of improving the product or the formula to sell. You have to leave and there is no other!
• Key elements for selling: Planning, Coordination, Organization, Tracing
• I have to define where my clients are and how I will reach them. Plan that commercial action and start ... Not all customers want the same, or at all times you can offer the same, so I have to know what adaptations I am willing to make in my product and / or service before going to sell. And here begins the fundamental element of the sale: learn. Learn from products, customers, our competitors, suppliers, the market ... and share that knowledge with the rest of the company and implement changes.
• Knowledge per se does not work: knowledge has to lead to modifications and changes in our sales process.
• If you want new customers, you will have to sell to sites other than the ones you are going to now. But the fundamental trick is to look for the complicity of your clients, so that they talk about you and prescribe you
• How could you turn your customers into your sellers? Do not forget to analyze the critical factors, those elements in which you cannot fail. You have to have them very well controlled. There are two elements that were not so important at the time of selling and that are now fundamental: COLLABORATE and SURPRISE
• You always have to listen to the market and customers to detect opportunities, to adapt your product, to create your speech, to look for allies, to find new markets ... It is clear that the sale is not born from the benefits of the product but from the needs of the client , so listening to our customers has to be our number one priority if we want to sell.
• And listening to the client does not mean asking him, because as you know those who know me, I always say that the clients lie, surely in an unintended way, but we do. So you don't have to ask and if you listen, an active and non-judgmental listening that will allow us to really know the problems, the expectations and the situation in which our clients move.
• But the big mistake of the small companies I work with is dispersion and I never tire of saying that you can't be everything, sell everything, reach everyone and please everyone. It would be nice but not possible, so you have to focus and, for that, you have to choose.
• The fear of choosing is paralyzing and companies are stuck at this point: you have to focus on what is of most interest and what the company feels most comfortable with.
• Choosing means stop doing some things and stop selling certain products and services ... and focus on those that give us more value today or we think they will give us tomorrow.
Commercial viability
Money, Economic viability, Solvency, Liquidity
- Objective of financing decisions.
- Interrelation between investment decisions and financing decisions.
- Main financial decisions
• If you want to sell, you will have to create your own formula. It seems that the goal of all companies is to sell more, however, most companies do not spend time defining the sales strategy. There is a question we should all answer, do you want to sell more or better?
• Observe: Analyze market changes, Adapt to new trends, Understand new customers
• Create: Search our differential element, Tune up our ingenuity and our creativity, Define our formula for sale, Combine traditional marketing tools and unconventional tools
• To sell: Reach the customer differently
• Listening to the market and customers, observing and not asking, and although the temptation is to sell everything, it is good to concentrate the sales force on what is of most interest to us.
• Companies are worried because their sales have fallen, entrepreneurs are afraid to launch and not sell, but few people have cold blood to stop and observe. Observing is the first step to sell. Before throwing yourself crazy to try different formulas to sell more, take some time to observe:
• Analyze market changes
• Value new trends.
• Understand new customers.
• To sell more, you will have to do other things:
• Look at the new trends that succeed and how they affect your business, or how you could adapt to them or just what ideas you can think of when you see them.
• Study companies doing well and think about what they do differently.
• Analyze three types of companies:
• Companies in your sector that are direct competition, come on, those that can take you out a customer.
• Companies in your sector that are referents.
• Companies that you like even if they are not from your sector.
• Detect the changes that your customers are suffering and think about them in the most segmented way possible, trying to analyze the different groups you work with.
• We are living in times of change, but the most striking thing is that the speed of change is vertigo. If you stand still, you will disappear sooner or later, so watch and then make decisions.
And there comes the part that costs my clients the most, to see how to adapt their company or their business project to the changes detected.
• Before going out to sell we have to create our formula to sell and this demands method and time. This formula to sell, works independently of the sector and the company, but we will have to adapt it for each case, taking into account the situation of the company, its experience in the market, the range of products, its personnel and its resources.
• Our proposal can be based on:
• Price (low-medium-high)
• Differentiation
• Service
• Specific approach
• Combination of the above
• And we will have to work the 4P of marketing (Product, Price, Positioning and Promotion) and the 4 C (Customer, Cost, Comfort and Communication).
• "The better we know our customers and their reasons for purchase, the easier it will be to define the sales process"
• All this we have to be able to define in a phrase that engages our client and summarizes our business philosophy.
• "Create your hook phrase"
• But in addition, to sell you have to build trust and for that, the simplest thing is to start by defining what we are good at and think about how we are going to transmit it.
• “You have to know how you are going to introduce yourselfâ€
• It is essential to be aware that we are not alone, so to sell you have to build and maintain a support network. And this is where my clients resist the most, because we have been educated so as not to have to ask for favors; This is the mentality that needs to be changed, we do not ask for favors, we collaborate and create a support network with which we all win.
• "Create your network!"
• Who do you know Who could you collaborate with? What can you do for your network?
What could your network do for you? And we also have to do our homework and work hard analyzing customer problems and looking for solutions.
• "Selling is meeting the needs of your customers"
• We have to think from the customer's point of view, it is the fundamental secret to create the formula to sell. Put yourself in the place of your client.
• The formula to sell does not work alone, you have to start it and for that, you have to go out and sell. I know clients capable of not going out to sell with the excuse of improving the product or the formula to sell. You have to leave and there is no other!
• Key elements for selling: Planning, Coordination, Organization, Tracing
• I have to define where my clients are and how I will reach them. Plan that commercial action and start ... Not all customers want the same, or at all times you can offer the same, so I have to know what adaptations I am willing to make in my product and / or service before going to sell. And here begins the fundamental element of the sale: learn. Learn from products, customers, our competitors, suppliers, the market ... and share that knowledge with the rest of the company and implement changes.
• Knowledge per se does not work: knowledge has to lead to modifications and changes in our sales process.
• If you want new customers, you will have to sell to sites other than the ones you are going to now. But the fundamental trick is to look for the complicity of your clients, so that they talk about you and prescribe you
• How could you turn your customers into your sellers? Do not forget to analyze the critical factors, those elements in which you cannot fail. You have to have them very well controlled. There are two elements that were not so important at the time of selling and that are now fundamental: COLLABORATE and SURPRISE
• You always have to listen to the market and customers to detect opportunities, to adapt your product, to create your speech, to look for allies, to find new markets ... It is clear that the sale is not born from the benefits of the product but from the needs of the client , so listening to our customers has to be our number one priority if we want to sell.
• And listening to the client does not mean asking him, because as you know those who know me, I always say that the clients lie, surely in an unintended way, but we do. So you don't have to ask and if you listen, an active and non-judgmental listening that will allow us to really know the problems, the expectations and the situation in which our clients move.
• But the big mistake of the small companies I work with is dispersion and I never tire of saying that you can't be everything, sell everything, reach everyone and please everyone. It would be nice but not possible, so you have to focus and, for that, you have to choose.
• The fear of choosing is paralyzing and companies are stuck at this point: you have to focus on what is of most interest and what the company feels most comfortable with.
• Choosing means stop doing some things and stop selling certain products and services ... and focus on those that give us more value today or we think they will give us tomorrow.